Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Entry Uno

Right so...this would be my first ever time blogging. I figured I'd give it a real shot rather than the cheezy stuff I do on myspace, since I can't write in a journal to save my life. So let us call this my electronic journal.

Let's start off with some back ground:

Ciúin Guth is gaelic for "Silent Voice" (roughly translated). Usually I go for things in Latin--like my website-- but something told me to go gaelic this time.
Now, the whole reason behind choosing "Silent Voice" was that it seemed a little should I say?...reader friendly than 'Voice of Treason', which is what I usually name anything that has to deal with my thoughts and not my stories. There, of course, is a story behind 'VoT'(as I like to call it):
Several years ago my school held a Renaissance faire in which one participating had to create a persona. I, mixing into an already complicated story, created Kestrel, the thieving daughter of a merchant. Kestrel, through a series of events including sleeping with the heir to the throne of England, was proclaimed treasonous. She is, by all rights and purposes, my innerself and thus she is the "Voice of Treason"--with the subtext: 'The things we do not wish to speak.'

Most of the time I tend to use what blogs available to me to place out my writing or poetry for review or simple speculation; rarely do I ever write something akin to a personal essay. However, I will strive to treat Ciúin Guth as just that: an outlet for personal essays.

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